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eFiling basics
eFiling in California
Los Angeles Superior Court
Los Angeles Superior Court
Video: Los Angeles Superior Court eFiling
Can I eFile lead documents together in LASC?
Why can't I add a filing party in LASC?
How will I know to which judicial officer my case is assigned?
Can I submit a complaint or petition with a fee waiver application in LASC?
Do I need to submit a printed courtesy copy in LASC?
How do I eFile my Ex Parte Application in Los Angeles?
How are motions scheduled when I eFile in Los Angeles?
What attachments do I need for my Civil Case Cover Sheet in LASC?
How do I select a Jurisdictional Amount in Los Angeles Superior Court?
Important: Read for eFiling in Los Angeles Superior Court for Civil cases
How do I indicate fee exemption when filing in Los Angeles Civil?
How do I pay fees for JTI courts?
Los Angeles County Superior Court
How do I name DOES when filing an Amended Complaint in LASC?
Video: eFiling mental health facility-based hearing case types in Los Angeles
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