CaseLink: How do I request access to or removal from a case?

Getting started with new cases in CaseLink or requesting to be removed

Requesting access to a case

To request access to a case that is being managed through CaseLink, fill out the required form

Request access to a case>>

You must already have a One Legal account in order to request access to a CaseLink case. 

Once you have access to the case, you will access it by visiting and logging into your One Legal account. You must visit the CaseLink page before logging in to view the CaseLink portal.

You can also request access to new cases from inside the CaseLink portal.

Adding someone to a case

You can follow the same steps to add another member of your team to the CaseLink case.

Or, once in the details section of a case, select Update case > Add participant.

Fill out the form here to request access to a case:

Requesting removal from a case

In the details section of a case, select Update case > Remove case access.

Fill out the form here to request your firm's removal from a case:

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